
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
93 - The Lobster Movie Review (feat. Yorgos Lanthimos)
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
when did yall stop kissing ur mom on the lips. let me know in the comments
Fuck porn i wish i could die 😭😭😭😭
Relapsed today, 23M virgin from tunisia who never dated or got a job or had any friends, i won't watch that shit again, i will never be able to have sex so why the fuck would i keep torturing myself being constantly reminded that a skinny guy my age has a dick thicker than his arm and he is out there pounding girls with that monster cock So damn depressed because i don't have a normal penis 😞😞😞😭, i have never known what having an erection feels like, my dick is small, so skinny and i have all the symptoms of Peyronie's disease/penile fibrosis which doesn't have a definitive cure apparently as far as i searched 😭😭😭😭 i have all the symptoms from fucking 14 and tried posting on reddit before but people thought i was trolling and i got banned multiple times, i don't qualify for a man and being a muslim is what stopping me from blowing my fucking head or throwing myself in front of the train that i take to go to college in which i'm a failure (repeating the 2nd grade of law school for 3 years in a row now) i'm writing this shit while sitting in my room crying like a fucking kid, idk if this is a mental breakdown but i can't take it anymore and i feel disgusted of myself 😭😭😭 it's haram to end it because i will guarantee eternal hell for myself and i don't want that to happen 😭😭😭
I did the math, I masturbated roughly 12 thousand times in 5 years and lost 25 thousand hours of my life fapping.
I used to masturbate 7 times a day every single day, so in a year that's 2555 masturbations, 2555x5 which is the amount of years I spent fapping is 12775, now if you multiply that by 120 minutes which is the amount of time my masturbation sessions lasted it's 1533000 minutes, which is equal to 25 thousand hours.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
92 - How to Be Ronery (feat. Rita Ora)
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
+ Yuzu Asian Dating App Review for Azns and Blax Only (whispered)
+ how about a transracial dating app. what do you think of that
+ geraldo tells you how to scam AI training companies. the latest and greatest hustle.
+ chick fila and in-n-out are the marines of the fast food world
+ I met this cool guy at a bar. He seemed really into me and we hit it off right away. We exchanged numbers and he invited me back to his place. I thought, why not? We got there and he was already in bed, his phone charging next to him. I climbed in, feeling a bit weird about the whole thing, but he was so insistent. We had sex, it was amazing, and then I passed out.
When I woke up, I saw his phone on the nightstand and decided to take a look, but there's no apple logo there! That's when I realized he was an Android user. I felt a wave of regret wash over me. I don't know why, but I just can't be with someone who uses Android. It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just that I've always been more of an iPhone girl.
Now, I'm trying to decide what to do. Do I just pretend like nothing happened and leave? Do I confront him about it? Or do I try to make things work despite our differences? I mean, we had amazing sex, and he seemed really into me. Maybe I could change his mind about Android?
Do fat people have sex?
A sailor in the Navy was docked in a foreign port for the night, so he decided to go out and take advantage of the nightlife. During his time he met a prostitute; pretty face, but so morbidly obese that she had to weigh at least 400 pounds (about 182 kg). So they talk business, come to an arrangement, and find a hotel room to do the deed.
Since it was a shitty hotel, there was no electricity, so they decided to just do it in the dark. Once things get hot and heavy, the prostitute notices that the sailor isn't inside her pussy, but is wedged in a sweaty fat roll, so she points this out to her client.
Without stopping, he simply replies "Any port in a storm!"

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
91 - Retardophile (feat. GlitterForever17)
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
I just fucked my iPhone 15 Pro Max and it was great! It's not as good as fucking a real human being, but it was a lot better than my old shitty android phone. The way that screen vibrates and the way the camera lens bulges out just feels so good. It's like a miniature woman, all soft and smooth and warm in my hand. It's perfect for when you're feeling horny and there's no one else around. Plus, you don't have to worry about getting caught or feeling guilty afterwards. It's just you and your iPhone, getting closer than ever before.
Now, I know what you're thinking: "What about the risk of damaging your phone or getting an STD from it?" Well, let me tell you, you're thinking too much. As long as you use a good amount of lube, you can go at it as hard as you want without hurting your phone. And as for STDs, phones don't have genitals, so you're good there. Plus, have you ever heard of someone getting an STD from a phone? Me neither.
So, what are you waiting for? Go out there, buy yourself an iPhone 15 Pro Max, and start exploring the pleasures it has to offer. Trust me, you won't regret it.
forgive english, i am Russia.i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.
We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.
I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.
That's it? That's the copypasta? That was just PORN. I swear to fucking god I will fucking FUCK you, you fucking stupid piece of fucking shit, you think you’re so slick trying to slip in your fucking erotica on over here? Well you know what else is fucking slick? I bet your fucking boypussy is slick, all moist after you’ve gooned yourself to your masturbatory, sorry, wad of shit fuck text that you try to pass off as a copypasta. What the fuck is here to copy paste huh? What fucking dumbfuck fuck scenario am I to be in to be copypasting about just straight up fucking sex. Has AskReddit fucking rot your mind so much that the only fucking interesting thing your dehydrated testicle of a brain could come up with is just porn??? What am I suppose to do with this text, there wasnt even anything funny or absurd about it. You just talked about sex, thats it, it’s just fucking sex, it’s just fucking fuck fucking fuck you. HAHAHAHAHA tits HAHAHAHAHA dick HAHAHAHAHA damn, that was so entertaining guys, Im so entertained, god im so entertained right now, im so entertained I might start crying. Hahaha, wouldnt it be funny if I started crying guys? Guys I think that would be real funny, just collapse on the floor and turn into a slobbering mess, just cry it all out, wouldnt that be funny? God I think that would be funny. Yeah that would actually be really funny. You know what, you gave me a real good laugh OP, youre not as bad as I thought. As a thank you for that hearty chuckle, you can impregnate my sister.

Monday Feb 05, 2024
90 - Argylle Movie Review (feat. John Cena)
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
if you don't watch Argylle you ain't gay or fat or retarded
So, cum doesn't really have a "taste". It's like warm water, but slightly sticky and salty. But after drinking some cum, there is a weird feeling in the throat that appears a couple seconds after drinking cum. I personally don't like it, so I recommend hydrating yourself by drinking water to get rid of the taste. Water really gets the "aftertaste" of cum away, so drink water after cum. Overall, 7/10.
I fucked up man. I fucked up so hard
I..ii I am speechless. This is such a privilege first world problem but I am the most lazy stupid worthless shithead in the entire world. The only character I can compare myself is to Jimmy from GTA 5. I spent 689 Dollars on dumb mobile and steam games... I am such a ungrateful piece of shit. Half of my savings are gone. With my minimum age job it's going to take4 months to recoop that cost(in my country) and I have school in a month. Why why why am I addicted to FUCKING MOBILE GAMES. When my parents confronted me my ungrateful waste of space shithead said it's my money my rules and and a fight with them. I want to sh so hard right now. I don't think my clean streak is going to last long. I HATE MYSELF. How do I apologize to my parents? How do I stop being a fucking degenerate? How did I spend 689dollars in just three months? Fuck this im dead to me
For a billion dollars I’m giving the finest head known to mankind, I’m talking deep throats, sucking the balls, spinning my tongue around the glans, cuz that’s a billion fucking dollars, that’s like saying “would you like to do a slightly unpleasant activity for like, 10/15 minutes” to basically just win life, if you ain’t doing this, you care way too much about your sexuality and the way others think of you, weak ass mindset

Monday Jan 29, 2024
89 - Think U The Gay (feat. Ice Spice)
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
I will end my life today of my own free will. I am not under the influence of any substance. I made this decision a long time ago, but I'm making it happen now. After I die, delete my Google search history, opera viewing history, Google browser history, Chrome history from my phone. Delete Hola VPN from my phone search history It's very dirty. Close my Yandex disk account. Delete my Whatsapp account, clear telegram. Delete the calculator with blue icon on the phone. Delete the conversations with my fuckbuddy on Letgo. Reset the tablet under my bed to factory settings. Notify all the girls I talk to on Tinder of my death. Replace the anti-slip pads of my mouse from the box on the bookshelf, delete the links on the back of the old pads and throw them away. Delete the links on the LCD paper of my second Grundig monitor. Remove the 12V 8A 4pin input cable of my computer's power supply, unscrew the socket with 2 screws, and burn the paper with the link beneath. Change the frequency of the radio in my room, it encodes my link archive with Morse code every 5 minutes. Remove the 4th screw from the top right of the hard disk sitting on my bookshelf and sharpen its teeth. That's all I ask from you. Stay in peace.
Is it straight to fuck girls while watching gay porn?
Hey everyone. I (20M, gay) have a good friend (21F) who has a very cute body with a fluffy ass, and I think she's like very pretty too. She came out to me few days ago that she's into me and asked me if I'm down to have sex with her. I didn't want to accept at first because I'm gay but she's been a good friend of mine so I didn't reject her. So we cooked some dinner tonight and got naked, kissed a bit and she started sucking my dick. I didn't want to have straight sex because I'm gay so I just pulled out my phone and put on a good gay porn while fucking her, practically using her as a sex toy. It felt really good and we both enjoyed it. Am I straight for this?
Your humorous and satirical approach often carries the constant intention of belittling and humiliating minorities. Your contradictory attitude is evident in every word, revealing a performance of masked intolerance as humor. Your fragmented and hostile narrative speaks more about your internal struggle than those you choose to disparage. Embracing diversity goes beyond empty words; it requires genuine introspection and sincere acceptance. Nevertheless, continue with this regrettable spectacle; we're enjoying analyzing your actions on LPSG. It's a pity that you're not generating engagement; people seem uninterested in your contributions. Dear friends of the LGBT community, the esteemed gentleman continually seeks your validation. Therefore, I ask you to subscribe to the channel, express your support with likes, and share enriching comments.

Monday Jan 22, 2024
88 - Himulacra and Himulation (feat. Yilong Ma)
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Top ten numbers I like to jerk off too:
idk if this is the right sub, but I find those numbers extremely hot and arousing
π /3,5
What is up YouTube today im gonna show you virgin dumbasses the infinite sex glitch.So basically if you want to have sex infinite times then you need to approach a woman.Then what you wanna do is open up your Cheat Engine,scan for stuff with a 0 value (its your chance of getting bitches) and change that value to 100.Once you done that you can press the button "Speak" on your fucking brain,and start to farm some bitches.
you puny mortal
im literally a god
i am clearly not the asshole, you dont need to say im not the Ahole, cute of you to even imply that i coild be the asshole. but your puny mortal mind is incapable of understanding that. I could make the entire solar system disappear with 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of the power in my pinky finger. I just haven’t done it because im a calm and reasonable perosn. I modeled all the tiny little humans after myself for my entertainment. I caused ww1, and i could end the earth, whats another 50 billion years anyways?
When man ejaculated in woman, he asked his favorite sperm:
"Out of all the sperm I just released, who would win: Them or you?"
"Well if they were to go straight for the egg, they might cause me a little trouble."
"But would you lose?"
"nah, I'd win"
While the sperm was on his way to the uterus, woman opened her domain: The immune system. And cells from woman's body started slaughtering millions of sperm cells.
Luckily for the man's favorite sperm, it learned domain amplification, and nullified the immune systems sure hit effect.
After a hard fought battle, the sperm finally entered the egg. The egg asked the sperm:
"Are you the strongest because you are the first sperm here, or are you the first sperm here because you're the strongest?"
The sperm replied:
"When it comes to conception, we are the exception. Because throughout ejaculation, and impregnation,
I, alone, am the born one"

Monday Jan 15, 2024
87 - it's a CAKE (feat. 2020)
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
I have noticed that, although this podcast has 12 listeners, I am not receiving 12 likes on my episodes. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'like'. Either way, I've had enough. I have compiled a spreadsheet of individuals who have "forgotten" to like my most recent episodes. After 2 consecutive strikes, your name is automatically highlighted (shown in red) and I am immediately notified. 3 consecutive strikes and you can expect an in-person "consultation". Think about your actions.
edit: whoever spend gold on this episode probably has sever autism

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
86 - Michael Haight Your Family (feat. Chris Benoit)
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
mo bamba more like mo lested
You're so skibidi fanum taxing in the sigma Patrick Bateman 🤡. Level 6 gyatt ong and on Kai Cenat's W rizz. Baby Gronk & Ice Spice doing the grimace shake challenge with smurf cat. Only in ohio does sussy baka peppino pizza tower on the Skibidi Toilet Titan Cameraman, TV Woman, Lankybox and Titan Speakerman. There's nothing we can do.. but me personally I wouldn't let that slide cuh. 🗿🍷 masteroogway, Speedmcqueen, manlikeisaac. Nathaniel B on that goth thug shaker fortnite roblox pass be on South Park, Family Guy and Subway surfers. Fr tho, can he beat American 📸 Sus. Goku? NickEh30 w/ opium bird & cg5. Mommy/daddy? Jit trippin, nahhh das crazy. Do the griddy with the biggest bird in Rainbow Friends and Huggy Wuggy. Doors be the most lightskin stare Travis Scott has ever seen with Drake. Blud got that 1, 2, buckle my shoe PACKGOD vs Leg w/ IShowSpeed on that Garten of Banban rizzler.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
85 - Gitmo Dink Sonked (feat. Phil Margera)
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Have a new year XD
As a straight guy, erect cocks are more attractive than boobs
Everybody knows this. Cocks are the most attractive things humans have. They are smooth, they are not confusing in how they work (looking at you vaginas) and they are good sources of pleasure. Sometimes, I just look at gay porn so I can admire the dicks. Im straight but this needs to be said.
I (29FTM) am literally irrapeable. No one can rape me. You don't believe me? Here's how:
So the other day I was walking home and saw a jacked guy, he started complimenting me and I kept saying thank you. Then he stopped me and told me that he's going to rape me, and that I need to take off my clothes or he will do so. I said yes to his request and gave consent, then started taking my clothes off. He was really not expecting this. He got mad and said "I was gonna fucking rape you, you're supposed to resist." Then he walked away. See? This easy.
Last week I was also walking home and another guy approached me and said "Let me rape you or I'll kill you." I said sure and started giving him a blowjob. He was really not enjoying it, barely keeping his erection. It was because I gave consent to him, therefore it wasn't a rape, which was what he initially wanted. He got bored and walked away shortly after. I'm literally irrapeable and I'm so proud of myself. If you ever want to rape me I'll always fucking say yes.
I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes a ultra-chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction toward the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather then shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead.
The following ideas are for comedy podcast titles and descriptions that would likely get banned from YouTube after approximately 20 episodes.
1. **Title:** The Offensive Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses offensive topics, jokes, and ideas. Nothing is off-limits, so be prepared for some coarse language, raunchy humor, and politically incorrect views. If you're easily offended, this podcast is not for you.
2. **Title:** The Racist Podcast **Description:** A podcast that features interviews with racists and white supremacists. The goal of the podcast is to give listeners a first-hand account of what it's like to be a racist, and to debunk some of the misconceptions about racism.
3. **Title:** The Sexist Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses sexism and misogyny. The podcast features interviews with women who have experienced sexism, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to raise awareness of sexism and to encourage listeners to challenge the status quo.
4. **Title:** The Homophobic Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses homophobia and the LGBTQ+ experience. The podcast features interviews with LGBTQ+ people who have experienced discrimination, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to raise awareness of homophobia and to encourage listeners to be more accepting of LGBTQ+ people.
5. **Title:** The Anti-Semitic Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses anti-Semitism and the Jewish experience. The podcast features interviews with Jewish people who have experienced anti-Semitism, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to raise awareness of anti-Semitism and to encourage listeners to be more tolerant of Jewish people.
6. **Title:** The Blasphemous Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses blasphemy and religion. The podcast features interviews with people who have committed blasphemy, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to explore the limits of free speech and to challenge the idea that certain beliefs are sacred.
7. **Title:** The Satanic Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses Satanism and the Church of Satan. The podcast features interviews with Satanists, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to explore the beliefs and practices of Satanism.
8. **Title:** The Anarchist Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses anarchism and the anarchist movement. The podcast features interviews with anarchists, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to explore the ideas of anarchism and to encourage listeners to challenge the status quo.
9. **Title:** The Communist Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses communism and the communist movement. The podcast features interviews with communists, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to explore the ideas of communism and to encourage listeners to challenge the status quo.
10. **Title:** The Fascist Podcast **Description:** A podcast that discusses fascism and the fascist movement. The podcast features interviews with fascists, as well as with experts on the topic. The goal of the podcast is to explore the ideas of fascism and to encourage listeners to challenge the status quo.
These podcast titles and descriptions are all likely to be banned from YouTube after approximately 20 episodes. However, they are important topics to discuss, and it is important to have a forum where people can express their views.

Monday Dec 25, 2023
84 - Car Seat Sex Torso (feat. Aella)
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
What if i told you that Porn addiction is a myth created by mfs with low testosterone to make us feel bad for being horny, the elites aint performing like they used to so they mad at young niggas for beating they shit 7 times a day whilst they can only manage 1 stay woke yall, now if you excuse me there's a beautiful woman bent over next to me lemme smack them cheeks flirtatiously and hope they don't lock my ass up again🤦🏾♂️
Top 5 pokemon I'd like to fuck
Eevee -
Eevee is really cute (and hot).. but i think it would be too small for me
2. Absol -
Absol is definitely hot but I like others more
3. Arcanine -
Arcanine is daddy (or mommy). But way too big for me. I do like big things but maybe better as growlithe
Guys, guess what? I am in fact 1.3% Jewish. Just took a DNA taste and and it turns out that I AM actually 1.3% Jewish... Oh and did I mention I'm actually 1.3% Jewish? Just know that I am indeed 1.3% Jewish.
Hope yall realize that I am in fact 1.3% Jewish. Europe runs through my veins. Disgusting americans 🤮🤮🤮 Imagine not being european like me.
4. Luxray -
Luxray is a cutie in every form but same reason as Arcanine.. even if we werent doing the sexy things wouldn't it be nice to hug them?
5. Ninetales -
Do I even have to give a reason?
Yes, it is THE natural sex. How can it be otherwise? Boys sharing the same desires, knowing each other's bodies, producing seed in the same way, with the same needs, ...it is so natural for them to want to couple, to bond, and cement this through intercourse, beautiful boy intercourse, where their most intimate essence, their sperm, flows from one boy into another, the wish for one boy to breed another, to show his love, show his desire by transferring his seed from his most private part deep into the other. One who gives, one who receives. This is pure natural sex, with none of the awkwardness and nonsense that goes with females, with having to stick a cock into a slimey, "foreign" vagina, of which we as males understand very little...gross vagina....with never the certainty of having satisfied that partner, always the fear of pregnancy. This is unnatural, uneasy sex that leaves a question mark after every coitus. Whereas with boy, the satisfaction, the pleasure is evident. From the moment a penis pushes past a boy sphincter and enters into his anal channel, you know there is perfect union. Boys are made to give and enjoy sperm seed. And it is so evident. From the first time that a boy is touched homosexually, he always wants more. There is never a way back. And all bisexuals know that they cum 3x more with a boy than they ever do with a female. It is just natural. Don't you agree???