I will end my life today of my own free will. I am not under the influence of any substance. I made this decision a long time ago, but I'm making it happen now. After I die, delete my Google search history, opera viewing history, Google browser history, Chrome history from my phone. Delete Hola VPN from my phone search history It's very dirty. Close my Yandex disk account. Delete my Whatsapp account, clear telegram. Delete the calculator with blue icon on the phone. Delete the conversations with my fuckbuddy on Letgo. Reset the tablet under my bed to factory settings. Notify all the girls I talk to on Tinder of my death. Replace the anti-slip pads of my mouse from the box on the bookshelf, delete the links on the back of the old pads and throw them away. Delete the links on the LCD paper of my second Grundig monitor. Remove the 12V 8A 4pin input cable of my computer's power supply, unscrew the socket with 2 screws, and burn the paper with the link beneath. Change the frequency of the radio in my room, it encodes my link archive with Morse code every 5 minutes. Remove the 4th screw from the top right of the hard disk sitting on my bookshelf and sharpen its teeth. That's all I ask from you. Stay in peace.
Is it straight to fuck girls while watching gay porn?
Hey everyone. I (20M, gay) have a good friend (21F) who has a very cute body with a fluffy ass, and I think she's like very pretty too. She came out to me few days ago that she's into me and asked me if I'm down to have sex with her. I didn't want to accept at first because I'm gay but she's been a good friend of mine so I didn't reject her. So we cooked some dinner tonight and got naked, kissed a bit and she started sucking my dick. I didn't want to have straight sex because I'm gay so I just pulled out my phone and put on a good gay porn while fucking her, practically using her as a sex toy. It felt really good and we both enjoyed it. Am I straight for this?
Your humorous and satirical approach often carries the constant intention of belittling and humiliating minorities. Your contradictory attitude is evident in every word, revealing a performance of masked intolerance as humor. Your fragmented and hostile narrative speaks more about your internal struggle than those you choose to disparage. Embracing diversity goes beyond empty words; it requires genuine introspection and sincere acceptance. Nevertheless, continue with this regrettable spectacle; we're enjoying analyzing your actions on LPSG. It's a pity that you're not generating engagement; people seem uninterested in your contributions. Dear friends of the LGBT community, the esteemed gentleman continually seeks your validation. Therefore, I ask you to subscribe to the channel, express your support with likes, and share enriching comments.
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