Now I get it. Candy Crush is violent, complex, and takes literally thousands of hours to master. But let me tell you: it is worth it. I just started playing Candy Crush on my PC, and the graphics are just so good. I mean, some level 1 carpenters like Fortnite, and some level 50 mafia bosses play Minecraft. But only level 3000 supreme pewds-level beings can understand the brilliance behind this game. I mean, the 3D graphics make me feel like I’m actually in Vietnam. In fact, the other day, I got this crazy Candy Crush PTSD as I thought about all the honorable Soviet comrades I had lost in the war for r/unexpectedcommunism. Well anyway, thanks for understanding my meth addiction, and I hope all of you can see Candy Crush the way that I do.
I'm supposed to be playing FarmVille but this one player keeps cutting my grass!
Is it TheMexican27?
Yeah, TheMexican27!
Who is TheMexican27?
Some say TheMexican27 is the first Farmville player ever, born from Latin America.
I heard TheMexican27 can cut grass better by hand than a lawnmower.
I heard TheMexican27 can cut an entire field of grass with a single blow.
But the worst part is, just when you think you're safe, just when you think you might escape; WHAM!!! Just like that!
YOUR FRONT YARD HAS BEEN TRIMMED What!? No no no no no no no no!
BUSHES UNDER ATTACK That's impossible!
YOUR LAWNMOWER HAS BEEN CAPTURED TheMexican27 has captured my lawnmower!
Mine too!
Aw, you guys, I'm sure it's not that bad!
You have no idea what just happened.
I might have some idea...
"Welcome back, TheMexican27"
FarmVille: Play for free on the app store.
I👨am a😀 🎮GAMER🎮, not🚫🙅because I😤don't have a life☮️😍 but🍑because I👮 hate😠 ♀WOMEN♀ and 👩🏿MINORITIES👦🏿
👉👀I 🎮play👩girl👩characters 🍀for the 📑PLOT!🍑😤😤
I👀✌am🙅♀NOT🚫a😏pervert😫💦, I 🤬swear!😳
🎮 GAMERS 🎮 hate ❌ women 👩🏻👩🏼👩🏽whether 🌦 it is justified ✅ or not ⛔️
Gamers 🔌🎮 are 🙏 arguably one 🚟🙀 of the most 🔝 persecuted classes in 🏢👏 history. 🤓📚 Unlike minorities, nobody 🙅❌ has ever received 🚫 a 👌💰 job 💼 or 🔮💁 scholarship solely because 🙌 they're 💏 a 🚟 gamer. 😮 In 👏 fact, there 🌃🆗 has 💳❌ never ❌⏮ even 👎⏯ been 📹📹 the opportunity 📊📊 for 👅 a 🔥 gamer 👌 to 💦 self-identify 💯 as such 👌 on any 😱 sort of 💦🏫 job application, college 👥 application, or 📉🎡 standardized test 😬😬 form. Furthermore, whereas minorities 👴 are widely considered 🤔 to 🙅💴 embody coolness and 💰 attractiveness by virtue of their 🎉⭕ race, ♀🖕 gamers have 👏✅ been ✊ historically stereotyped as nerdy and unattractive since 👨👨 the dawn of 💿 our 📇 craft. When ⏰💦 minorities 👵 speak 👄 out 😓 in the media about 💦💦 whitewashing, appropriation, and 💛 similar 👱 intrusions into 🚪➡ their ☝ exclusive culture ⛩ and values, 💰💰 they 🏻👥 are 🔄💰 universally lauded. However, 💯💯 when a 💰 gamer raises a comparable concern 😕😕 about 💦 our 🍂💰 community, 👩💰 we 👥 are 🔢 branded as 👦🏿 sexist, racist, misogynistic, and similar 👱 slurs, and accused of 👉😎 overreacting. Gamers 😎🔌 are 😬 undeniably subject 📐 to 💊🏻 excessive and 💆🐟 extremely ☣🏆 detrimental discrimination. 👮 The same 🅱♀ cannot ⚠🙅 be said 💦 for 🍆👊 racial minorities.
Chicks💋👧🏼thinking the green dude👦🏼❇️in Breath Of The Wild☁️🌬is called Zelda👀😂stop being posers😡😩👋🏻educate yourself🎓📈his name is Luigi👨🏻🙄
Gamers 😾🎮 Rise 💪 Up 👆! United 🤝 we 🌏 strong 💪😡. Neckbeard 🧔🎩 if alone 😿. It's stupid 🤪 you may say 🗣. But 🖐 games 👾 are our 💪 way 🏅.
Hi👋! Few things ✌to start off with =] 😅1. Yes ✅ I added ➕ you 👉👤 because ∵ you're 👉👤 a female 🚺 gamer 🎮👤, 'tis 🎩 an awesome 🤙🙆♀️ thing to see 👀! 2. I am Brian 👋👦. 3. do not🚫 be intimidated 😱😩, but I am not 🚫 🙅♂️a stereotypical guy 🙅♂️👨🎤. If anything 🙄, I'll be the one 🔥👨🍳 in the kitchen 👨🍳 🍆💦😩 =D.
🙇 My 👈 name 📖 is not 🙅 important ❌ what❓is important ✅ is what ❓Im 👱🏻 going ▶️ to 2️⃣ do. 🏃 I 👍 just fucking ♋️ hate 😡 this world 🌎 and the human 👦 worms 🐛 feasting 🍝 on ⬇️ its 🌏 carcass. 😵 my 👈 whole 👐 life 👶 is just 🅾️ cold ❄️ bitter 😖 hatred 😒 and I 👱🏻 always wanted 😃 to 2️⃣ die 😔 violently. 🔨 this is 👉 the time ⏱ of vengeance 😠 and no 🤚 life 👨🏻💼 is worth 💵 saving 📲 and I 🙃 will put 🤜 in👇 the grave ⚰️ as many 👨👩👧👦 as I 🤚can ☺️its👇 time ⌚️ for me 😶 to 🚻 kill 🗡 and it's 👌 time ⏲ for me 👀 to 2️⃣ die✖️ my🙎♂️ genocide 💀 crusade 💂♀️ begins🌟 here👇
To 😂 🅱e fair ✔, you 😂 have to 😅 have a very 👌 high ⬆ IQ 📐to provide players 🎮with a 😂 sense 🎥 of pride 🇺🇸 and accomplishment 🎉. The unlocks 🔐 are extremely 💯 su🅱tle 😶, and without 💯 a solid 🎱 grasp 👌 of selecting 👍 initial 💵 values 📈 🅱ased upon 😂 data 📊 from the Open 💯 🅱eta, 🅱attlefront 2⃣ will go ⏩ over ⏫ a typical 😂 gamers 🎮 head 😂. There's also ➕ EA's other 😂 adjustments 🔧 made to 💯 milestone 🚗 rewards 🎁 🅱efore 👈 launch 🚀, which are 💯 deftly 💯 woven 👌 into this game 🎮 development 🔬- the game's 🎮 philosophy 🎭 draws 🎨heavily 🔨 from average 😂 per-player 🎮 credit 💳 earn 💵 rates 📉, for instance 💯. The gamers 🎮 understand 😂 this stuff 👌; they have 😂 the intellectual 📚 capacity 💾 to truly 💯 appreciate 👌 that we'll 🅱e 😂making 🔨 constant 🔆 adjustments 📉, to realise 😂 that it's not 👎 just fun 😂- they say 👄 something deep 💩 a🅱out 🎮🎮 GAMES 🎮🎮. As a 😂 consequence 👎people 👨❤️💋👨 who dislike 💯 E🅰 truly ARE ✅ idiots😂😂😂 - of course 😂 they wouldn't 👇 appreciate 👌, for instance 💯, that we 💰 ensure 👌 that players 🎮 have challenges 😖 that are 💯 compelling 😂, rewarding 😂, and 😂 of 😂 course 😂 attainable 😂 . I'm smirking 😂😂😂 right now 💯 just imagining 🔬 one of 💯 those a🅱🅱lepated 😂 simpletons 😂 scratching 🔨 their heads 😂 in confusion 😵 as Mat Everett's genius 🔬 wit 🔬 unfolds 📂 itself on 💯 their computer 📺 screens 📺. What fools 😂.. how I pity 🔫 them. 😂 And ☑ yes 👌 , 🅱y 💰 the 💰 way, i DO 👌have a Mass 🔨️ Effect tattoo 🎨. And no 👎, you cannot 👎 see 🙉️ it. It's for appreciative 💯 gamers' 🎮 eyes 🔭 only- and even 😂 then they 💯 have to 😂 demonstrate 🔮 that they're 👩👩👧👦 within 👌 5⃣ IQ 📚 points 📝 of my own 😂 (preferably lower ⬇) 🅱eforehand 👐. Nothin personnel kid 😎
Hey theyre GAMERS!!:😏 😏 😜 just wanted👌 to let yall all know👀 that if i 🚫 dont❌ talk😂 🤐 for a while 🕥 , it's probably 🤔 think b'cuz 👀 i 👀 tried to 👌 commit 👀 😱 suicide!!! 👀 I may have 💦 succeeded, but 👀 I will just 🤔 probably 🅱 in a 🤔 mental 🤔 🏥 hospital!! Just remember to 👌 👈 💦 SMASH 💯 that motherfuccing like 👍 button, and leave :🍁 a comment in the section 👇 below
While most 💯 teens 👦👦 get caught 😵😵😨 watching 👀 NAUGHTY 😳👀 VIDEOS 📽📺 late at night 🌙🌙🌚 I get caught 😵😨😵 playing VIDEO GAMES 🖲😎 LIKE 👍👍 AND RT 🔃🔄 AND SHARE 👌👌AND FOLLOW👏👌👌 IF YOU'RE A TRUE 😂😩👀 EPIC CHRISTIAN 📿😎😎 GAMER 😎😎😎😎😎
Excuse me😲 m'lady🙏, but is that a Nintendo 3⚂DS🔲⁉️? I appreciate 😙that a woman💇♀️ such as yourself 🔱is trying to get into gaming🖱 and I think that's great🤣. But you can't✋ call🔊 yourself a gamer🤓 like me 🤣unless you carry😣 your 15lb 💪alienware 👽laptop💻 with mouse🖲 and headphones 🎧wherever you go💃. As a true😇 gamer,🤓 I am of the most elite😏 so I understand that blank stare😐 you're giving 🎅me🤣. I'll tell🙋♂️ you what though, if you🤦♀️ ever want to be my pocket 😇healer😇 in 🚫Overwatch🚫, you can add➕ me. My username🔠 is 😎Thunder_Rafiki_God 😎and I'm in low gold🏅 due to shit💩 teammates🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️.
iPhone 📱 is 💦 the 👏 best 👌 console, and 👏 nobody could 🔒 ever 😠 fucking 👉 speak 🙊 against 🚫 it. 💯 When 🍑 I 👁 first 👆 got 🍸 an 👹 iPhone, 📱 I 👁 was 👏 so 💯 excited 😍 that 😐 I 👁 wouldn't 😩 be 🐝 trashy anymore. 🔥 I 👁 got 🍸 so 💯 many 👬 friends 👫 with 👏 the 👏 iPhone 📱 5C's stunning colors and 👏 sexyness, and 👏 that 😐 isn't even 🌃 half 💀 of 💦 it. 💯 It 💯 has 👏 over 👏 30 📅 GB worth 💸 of 💦 data. 📉 I 👁 was 👏 able 💪 to 💦 store, 🏪 if 👏 I 👁 recall, 🔞 10,000 photos 📷 and 👏 it 💯 would 👪 only 🕦 take 👊 up 🔺 4 💦 gigabytes. It 💯 would 👪 play 🎮 games 🎮 that 😐 would 👪 seem laggy to 💦 a 👌 console and 👏 turn 💃 it 💯 into 👉 a 👌 lagless portable experience. 🖐 I 👁 am 👏 a 👌 true 💯 fucking 👉 gamer, 🙋 I 👁 play 🎮 Angry 😡 Birds, 🐓 Fruit 🍒 Ninja, Flappy Bird, 🐣 and 👏 Clash of 💦 Clans daily, 🕢 I 👁 can 💦 message 📧 friends 👫 and 👏 stay 💒 up 🔺 to 💦 date, 📆 I 👁 can 💦 talk 💬 to 💦 people 👨 with 👏 my 👨 face 😀 and 👏 always 🔥 remember 💭 how 💯 my 👨 friends 👫 looked 👀 like, 💖 I 👁 can 💦 take 👊 endless photos 📷 with 👏 no 🙅 worry 😟 about 💦 using 🏻 data, 📉 and 👏 I 👁 could 🔒 browse infinite pages of 💦 the 👏 internet, 💻 which 👏 a 👌 shitty 💩 console can't 🚫 do. 👌 The 👏 PC, Wii, PS4, and 👏 Xbox 1 🎄 can't 🚫 do 👌 any 💦 of 💦 this 👈 shit. 💩 Compete 💯 with 👏 that, 😐 consoletards. Also, 👨 nice 🔥 trolling fucko, with 👏 you're 👉 not 🚫 including you're 👉 fucking 👉 iPhone, 📱 get 🔟 your 👏 facts strate Android fuckers 👏
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