A Separate Crow 1 year special
Glock - Famous Dex
Edge 3rd titantron intro song playing through speakers
u think u know me
Holding gun to head and in mouth the whole episode
Edge Game 53 suicide by cop. Published as axon body cam footage. Approaching cop with Glock pointed, screaming HELLO IM GAY AND IM YOUR HOST GERALDO RIVERA!!!! SOMEBODY STOP ME!!! SSSSSSMOKIN!!!
LiveLeak watermark
iFunny BestGore DocumentingReality EFukt
Each camera is a different watermark
Facebook live greenscreen
cell phone cam swinging from ceiling fan
And then change my mind at the end (?)
Whispered voices/auditory hallucinations
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
(Deflection word)
Monday, October 31, 2022
Live by the sword, die by the sword
One who uses violence can expect a violent response.
We live in a world of misunderstanding.
Not good vs. evil!
Above all
Be true to your self!
You, if anyone ever reads this, got this. :)
I love you.
How to cope with loneliness
Just Dance 2017 PC Unlimited Rasputin 4K
The underwhelmingness of life
It HAS to be underwhelming.
Otherwise we lose gravity and fly into outer space!
How to connect with anyone
Humble yourself
Gaining true***** independence takes time!
If you still feel like you're kinda still a high schooler, like me, give this article a read.
It talks about the slow, healthy, steps needed to be taken in order to gain authentic and true independence!
So you can be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
Happy reading!
Take care. :)
We all have our histories and own perspectives.
And who could blame us for making our own assumptions moving out into the world when it’s all we’ve ever known?
Nevertheless, try your best to look beyond your own eyes, your own ears, your own mind, and your own heart.
And you may start seeing things that you’ve never seen before!
You got this. 😊
The true meaning of life
The smallest sentiment says it all.
The end! At least for the public blogger posts
I do not condemn. That’s not my job.
Just call me David. 👍👍👍👍👍
I never truly lost sight of life
I never truly lost sight that this is breathing, real, sacred, important, in your bed life.
You’ll never get that time back.
But it’s not too late, comrade.
To: last two people in Lit of War Final
A: check out Chinese/German/impressionist/Japanese literature. Maybe even revisit philosophy?
B: check out works and bibliographies of artists. Not stop-motion artists. More like Van Gogh and the sorts. They lived extremely inspirational lives. You could maybe go to a local library to see what’s there
My world view
Opportunity. I try to look at everything as an opportunity. Including helping fuck heads like you.
Sunday October 30 2022
The proudest moment of my life came when I was acknowledged by my fellow greatest creators of all time.
While I was famous on Wc3 servers in 2008-2009 for an entire summer, the others were even more***** famous.
Me, along with Lazy.WmWM, Darthwyld, We[L]c[o]Me_2_HeLL, and Kitty.NSV, basically ran the entire server with our single hands…. aha……
I made vampirsm maps.
Lazy literally created, and updated every week, WMW which was the most popular game on battle.net.
And Darth was like our reliable tester who gave us a second pair of eyes to see if we had missed anything.
Those days, those nights…..
Last one!
A good intention can still be evil, as shared by my best friend, Aaron.
That shouldn’t illustrate the evilness in the world. Rather, it should just reveal that we can never be too cautious when making a decision!
Unity in division
Hate leads to love.
Not how
There is no “right” or “wrong” decision.
We aren’t animals on leashes………….
We are all imperfect. No need for war.
Put down your hand guns and bayonets!
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Apparently Jesus had an awkward sexual encounter where he was denied for some sort of defect.
Who knew?
I can always go deeper. :D
Complacent and inconsistent.
Shall I read more, dear pliable?
Forget the stoics! The nihilists are so deeply rooted in their ways, it’s almost impossible to help save them from the chaos of the world cause they’re so true to their self.
…..and this was with years of genuine, true, honest, even truer effort.
My god, lol.
Here’s a cool song, though: https://youtu.be/iwzfR7-33Wc
Not quite a cookie. But just a little faster. 👀
Don’t put your self worth into acting. You can’t manipulate yourself fast enough to adapt to the ever-changing speed of the world.
Favorite pokemon
Deoxys, Rayquaza, Charzard, Pikachu
The apostle Paul
The greatest teacher I ever had! For what the wilting world is. (Others mean much more to me)
Favorite colors
Green, red, blue, black, white, gold, silver, grey, orange.
Matthew, the disciple
Responsible for bringing different beings together
Never forget your friends
7 pieces of candy (Master’s Hall starbursts).
👍👍👍👍👍 #GOATcohort #KyleBwas#1student #GarretlikesPOSTMALONE 😂
Deep meaning
Look into the deep meanings of everything.
Just be careful of being overly superstitious
Jesus and Tree Girl
Love and preservation and protecting is great. But join the party. Truly enjoy yourself. And not the phone store fun. The grandeur, cultural party one.
You can never not be too specific! Says Prof. Zhang
Personal change
Some folks are able to open up and share their true love — their true self — with others. It can happen. It’s just not guaranteed.
So if it does happen, it would happen when you least expect it.
The non-wordly do not define themselves by the standards of the world.
They are extremely sensitive, extremely devoted, extremely loving, extremely insightful, and extremely genuine.
We live life at our own pace mostly unhampered by the pressures of time, money, and social success.
While respectful of others, they nonetheless still pursue the truer stuff. Truer beauty. Truer wisdom. Truer knowledge. Truer understanding. Truer patience. And most importantly: truer love.
Deep down, I think we all believe, know, and acknowledge that we have a soul.
….but for some reason or another, there are some individuals on this earth — individual souls — who somehow someway manage to navigate the enormously complicated navigation of the world while still preserving their true, pure souls.
That display a sense of genuineness, love, care, sincerity, and freedom that the world has truly never seen.
Do not judge others
It may be tempting. But you enter extremely dangerous waters when you begin to elevate yourself over others.
Let reality speak for itself.
What is “our job?”
To help others through the day.
Sin decays the body.
Spiritual/physical/emotional/mental health
All important.
(Family guy - "American Beauty" dancing bag scene
Oh! You don’t want to come into heaven?
Okay. Have a nice day!
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Mothers run the world
Sorry, Putin!
Let us forgive. But also recognize those who have hated have almost (99.9%) completely destroyed their souls.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Reliable > relatable
It’s better to be relied upon for being who you genuinely are than being relatable for the sake of relatability. While it’s okay to be relatable for a certain amount of time, there comes a moment where we have to realize we cannot live on this earth solely to please others.
Growing into our true, naked, genuine identity is a painstakingly slow, hard, and tiring process.
But once we slowly but surely come to terms with our true self, we become even more grounded and even more rooted.
Like a giant oak tree which can withstand any winds of hatred, confusion, or temptation the world throws at it.
Keats is better than Milton
….. 🚬
Reason without Love is vain; Love without Reason is naïve.
And love that is manipulated is why Hell exists.
My philosophy
Seeking true sacrifice in the name of love, with the light and darkness in between my very eyes
Breaking down the ego
For those of us who seek greater callings in life — ranging from leading, to preaching, to teaching — breaking down the seemingly innumerable obstacles of desire/temptation can seem almost impossible. Add in the fact of internet reality, and it probably even seems more impossible.
….yet there is still hope.
One thing I’ve been doing lately is letting myself fail. Rather than trying to read a book, or play a piano piece, I’ll go to McDonald’s and buy a soda and drive around and listen to music. Even though the act of buying a soda and listening to music is technically “succumbing” to my desires it’s liberating because it makes me feel like a person who can breathe who isn’t controlled by the annoyingly insistent forces of institutions and the such.
Even more so, I end up almost always contemplating about life, people, ideas, theories which in turn allows me to grow into myself…. While also enjoying myself!
When push comes to shove, you will grow into your ideal self.
Don’t try.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Do not judge, lest ye be judged
While it can be super easy to judge others — from the deep corners of tiktok, to the higher realms of academia — we are not the center of the universe.
Everyone lives life at their own pace. Additionally, people are more self-aware than you think or realize.
While it might be hard to look past someone’s surface level behavior or presentation, don’t undermine their humanity (and yours) by painting a broad brush of assumption. Meet others where they’re at. Be open. And probably most importantly, give them the respect you would give yourself or a loved one.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
The greatest non-person influence on my life
( Itachi Famous Quotes || Deep Meaning Quotes || )
Contrary to the semantic satiation out there, building a vocabulary is important, especially as you age. It allows you to understand why people think, behave, and speak the way they do.
…… that is not to say we should treat others like robots or zombies. Just because someone appears boring, dull, disinterested, or anything of the sort — we do not know who someone is through our very first impression of them.
We all have histories.
Don’t be quick to label or judge others just because they don’t align with your preconceptions of what “being a human is”.
By doing that, you undermine your very humanity itself.
just kidding.
You just slowly start to isolate yourself and die.
As we age, I think it’s super important to understand the importance of routine. While we can still experience high-flying, super-emotional youth, it gets a little stressful when we’re constantly berating our brains with unknown and unforeseen circumstances.
So take it easy. Take it slow. And enjoy the process of brushing your teeth!
In death is enough
Thank you!
…..and just when you’ve thought you’ve seen it all
Tacos are good. But soda is better
Free will
Be mindful….
How to not feel like shit everyday
Revisit old childhood things: books, music, outdoors, activities.
Buy old things that you used to do or love that remind you of happier, calmer, easier times: food/drinks/clothes/toys/games.
Slowly but surely, your psychology — human psychology — will come up from underneath the hell of your mind and you will, in time, begin to feel better again.
at October 22, 2022
Whether we, humans, acknowledge it or not, a lot of life at times can be merely about survival.
That isn’t to say we’re in a towering, clear-cut predator-prey hierarchy, but rather before we can start living — truly living — we have to work through some problems of the human condition first: trauma, unfairness, and deep emotional pain.
Healing is a unique process. You don’t need anyone to do it, or you could reach out to many people to do it, or you could go somewhere in between. Nevertheless, as we might all know at this point, healing is a painstaking, painstaking, painstakingly slow process. That shouldn’t deter you from still trying in life and doing what you love and/or aspire to do, but it should instead help you realize that you’re worthy of true love, comfort, laziness, sleeps, naps, and all things of that sort without having to prove to others that you are special, extraordinary, or in some very rare cases, out of this world. You are enough.
Still, healing can be a rough, hard, and even hellish process. As a result, survival comes about and we may have to resort to doing things that we don’t ordinarily do or aspire to do cause we feel so shitty. Do not feel shame. This is something we all do. And none of us go around looking for each other’s trash. While sometimes our circumstances even seem beyond the reach of hope, there is hope in one thing: belief. Belief is extraordinary insofar that it allows you to elevate yourself above your circumstances. You aren’t a horrible animal that’s dying, but instead are a real, genuine, caring, loving, and real human being who’s just been paralyzed or stunned by the sometimes horrible reality of the world. Beliefs, too, can also take on many different shapes and sizes: nihilism, Islam, Christianity, atheism, Buddhism, Marxism, and everything in between.
Just know there is never a circumstance beyond hope. Cling to what you know. Cling to what you’ve done. Cling to what you love.
And light will eventually shine its way through.
Names are only an identifier of one’s person-ship, their human-ness, their being, their body, or their soul.
Onomatopoeia (s)
I’m bored
k byeeeeeeeeeeeee
A poem: colorful forest
A colorful forest,
Is bent all around,
Not even a hush,
Not even a sound;
A blue flying jay,
A silent still crow,
Perked on the branches,
Who truly do know:
To be free there and now,
Underneath the reality of time,
Which binds most of the animals,
Even the mimes,
Little effort they exert,
Not to boast nor to brag,
But to simply just live,
Like a free flying flag —
That sails in the wind,
With the world in its arms,
Not a doubt in its mind,
Kid Cudi: Subjectivity, The Power of the Mind, and Introspection
Kid Cudi had a profound influence on my life. As a teenager with sprouting intense feelings and thoughts, looking to the outward world didn’t make sense. It was full of trends, conformity, and rejected people who deviated from the standards of what was considered “normal”. As a developing teenager, then, I have always found refuge and comfort in listening to Kid Cudi. Not just for him speaking openly on the themes of space, love, wonder, and loneliness, but for his emphasis on looking within rather than following what others in the crowd, the outside world, were doing. Despite Cudi’s rising popularity over the years, I believe there are some deeper characteristics in his music that make him the artist that he truly is.
One quality of Kid Cudi’s music is the emphasis on subjectivity: or experiences in the mind that produce a deeper connection to one’s own feelings , perceptions, and relationship with reality. This is largely achieved through transient — or high energy — sounds. The high amplitudes in the short duration sounds, such as in Pursuit of Happiness, have a peculiar effect on the mind and its relationship with feelings, emotions, and perception. They, by their nature, are intended to deconstruct associations — littered in most music with particular sounds and specific words — so that the listener can quite literally journey through the realms of space, time, and matter uninhibited. Although Kid Cudi’s music is largely defined by its subjectivity, the deeper impression it has on me is that we do not need the hoo-rah of the world to give us pleasure, excitement, and thrill, but we can simply turn to experience itself.
Kid Cudi is also a very powerful lyricist. For example, the following lyrics from Enter Galactic give us insight into the use of imagination:
See, if you can't do what you imagine,
Then what is imagination to you?
Just a waste of space in your brain?
To take the place of hate?
Or things all the same?
These lyrics emphasize that human beings aren't just creatures bound by the mundane of showing up to work, going to the grocery store, or feeding ourselves. Instead, we are complex beings who have immense potential if we are merely willing to see the infiniteness of our imaginations. Through the expanses of the imagination, we can look into the creative beauty of everything: the stars, other individuals, and even ordinary things like trees. We can even manifest these fantasies in reality by taking the slow, possible, realistic steps required to make them happen.
Lastly, Kid Cudi reveals the power of introspection that can be self-changing if we are willing to confront who we are. Many of his songs stray away from what "main stream" society does. It’s not that Cudi hates human beings by their very nature, but that, in their collective, they tend to label, distance, and judge others who deviate from the standards of what is considered “normal”. He even, to me, makes a distinction in one of his songs, Mr. Rager, that there are individuals who are genuine, and then there are others who are guided and protected by the outside world -- "one of them". For me, the emphasis isn’t if you’re genuine or not, but rather it's a necessary part of real, healthy, growing self-development to introspect the self and see all that it has to offer. By doing so, you not only gain a more holistic, truer, more authentic vision and understanding of yourself, but you can then use such newfound self exploration to continue to learn about yourself, grow, and develop in the very world you live in.
Overall, Kid Cudi has deeply influenced my life. He has encouraged me to embrace subjectivity by exploring my feelings, perceptions, and the experiences the uninhibited universe has to offer. Furthermore, he has revealed the deeper importance of words, language, and how they can be used to reveal deeply embedded emotions that need to be expressed above surface. Finally, he has shown me the importance of introspection. By looking deeply into myself, I can gain a more real, more authentic, more true version of who I am. Ultimately, Kid Cudi has helped guide me toward discovering the deep, intense, and real love that exists within myself. And for that, I will always be grateful for him and his music. To quote the man himself: I’m off on an adventure.
My own. :)
Nagato: Inner-Pain and Justice
Nagato, or better know by his alias of Pain, is probably the most badass character in the Naruto World. He’s got piercings and gauges that make him look aesthetically cool as fuck. He’s got the rinnegan, which is the most powerful dōjutsu in the Naruto series. And he can wipe away a single village in one foul swoop. I mean… it’s pretty hard to go higher than that.
Aesthetics, abilities, and power aside, Nagato, or Pain, gives us a deep, real, and true glimpse into the reality of pain, inner-pain, caused by the outside world and how it can totally ravage our life path.
Nagato, at first, is actually driven for a desire of love and peace. And not just any peace. World peace. Through the original foundation of the Akatsuki, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato initially sought to end world violence through the non-violent means of peaceful dialogue and mutual understanding. Although their initial worldview within the Akatsuki is at first successful, and in fact gained them many followers, things quickly take a turn for the worse.
The culmination of traumatic experiences Nagato endures ultimately mars his life. As a child, he witnesses his parents being murdered in front of his very eyes. As an orphan, he wanders through the sullen, rainy lands of Amegokure, homeless, having to search for his own food, water, and shelter. As a young adult, he has to kill his best friend, Yahiko, as the result of a planned ambush against him. Totally blinded, perplexed, and hatefully dismayed by the reality of pain brought on by severe loss, Nagato loses all hope that the world can actually change and become a more peaceful place. Now driven by anger, resentment, and inner-pain, Nagato completely abandons his prior means for world peace, non-violence. He adopts the new belief that peace can only be achieved through the mutual empathy of pain. However, such empathy can only be attained through the infliction of pain unto others— “doing unto others as they do to you”. As a result, Nagato seeks to collect all of the tailed beasts so he can, through their immense power, destroy people and villages alike to impose empathy and therefore a sense of justice. And so Nagato becomes “Pain”.
Pain’s desire to impose justice leads to him adopting the title “god” and representing a form of divine justice. Pain is very much like a god, or god, because he almost has omnipotence: the power to destroy just about anyone in his path (derived from his rinnegan’s powers). He also acts as a god because he acts in the name of goodness. As stated in his cycle of hatred speech to Naruto, Pain is in fact not an evil person. He simply seeks revenge, or justice, for the pain brought upon him by others. This raises a huge, and probably the biggest, question about the nature of justice among humans: how do imperfect humans apply perfect justice? And how do you break a continuous cycle, like war, from happening if each side continues to justify their reasons for going to war? In nothing but honest discourse, Naruto and Pain conclude that there is no answer, at least by the standards of “perfect justice”. And so as Naruto, the primary hope and sunshine of the entire series concedes in a defeated and solemn manner, “I don’t know an answer to such a question”. As they are left with silence and a nothingness of wind blowing by.
While there may be no answer to “perfect” justice, or justice for that matter, what Naruto and Pain do discover through further discourse is that mutual peace, understanding, and love can in fact be achieved through compromise: or in the theme of their dialogue, “letting down” hatred, anger, and resentment in the name of love and forgiveness. By conceding a need for retribution, vengeance, and justice in the name of love and forgiveness, one can indeed break the cycles of hatred in the world and bring peace and love to it. However, such a change only comes from a belief in peace and love, as Jiraya, Naruto, and Nagato demonstrate. You can’t be idle or passive in the unfolding of war and strife because then you merely become a puzzle piece to be moved by the greater forces of the world, as many humans and ninjas alike do in their respective worlds. Nonetheless, his heart opened by Naruto, Pain decides to retract his destruction of the Leaf Village with a renewed belief in love (through Rinne rebirth). And so Pain becomes Nagato again.
Pain or Nagato’s story might seem imaginary or distant because it’s exclusive to the Naruto World, however, the reality of pain and resentment is not imaginary or distant from our own. In the reality of our own personal worlds, inner-pain caused by others can sometimes lead us to resentment: bitter anger and annoyance that stirs within us as the result of unfair treatment. Consequently, bitterness, hatred, and a desire for vengeance can sprout forth… and sometimes even take over one’s life. The important thing I think we can take away from Pain, then, is the role of inner healing as the result of trauma, unfairness, or injustice. Without seeking to heal the deeper pain we can have within, it can and surely will lead us to more frustration, more resentment, and a deeper, darker desire for retribution —more destruction that ultimately kills us from the inside out. Pain only gives rise to more pain. And more revenge leads to less life. It is only with a forgiving and understanding heart that an erupting, fiery pain can be soothed and healed to a gentle green grass.
Orochimaru: Goodness, Evil, and Free Will
Orichimaru is the notorious villain in Naruto (not shippuden). Naruto fans can’t forget his malevolent antagonism in the first part of the series: his desire to tempt and lure Sasuke into his advisory (to ultimately try and steal his body), his reckless use of kinjutsu (summoning: impure world reincarnation), and his ultimate killing of his former teacher, the third hokage.
However, despite Orochimaru’s overt evil and unethical pursuit of knowledge in the first part of Naruto, we are later shown that he is more complicated than initially perceived. And so like Kishimoto does with many characters in the second part of the series, shippuden, and does so well, is illustrate the relativity of everything. Namely, there is no inherent goodness or evil in the world. Instead, we live in a world full of misunderstanding among humans and the consequences of said misunderstandings.
To be precise, after learning more about Orochimaru’s past in the second part of the series we quickly learn that he was an orphan at a young age. While no definitive insight is given to us by Orochimaru himself or any other character in the series about how this made him feel, it is speculated by Jiraiya that his desire to go down a path full of inhumane coldness for the sake of gaining knowledge was a response to forgetting his lonely childhood and upbringing.
Despite hearing Orichimaru’s back story, most people still identify him as an evil character. After all, he largely identifies with a snake, and as the West heavily knows, the snake is largely identified with Satan who is identified with evil and temptation. Additionally, his evilness is one of the most overt in the series. It’s obviously wrong to treat people like they’re disposable trash for your own self-gain. It’s obviously wrong to try and take someone else’s body. It’s obviously wrong to try to kill lots of people in the effort to destroy a village.
The emphasis on obviously is meant to reveal that humans, naturally, categorize human behavior into right or wrong. There might not be much thought about it when it comes to jaywalking or speeding through a yellow light. However, when it comes to overtly “evil” acts like Orochimaru partakes in, or, in our world, what looks like murder, rape, or theft, humans quickly adopt a moral position. And so murder, rape, or theft suddenly becomes evil, and by doing the opposite of said evil action it’s clear that one is clearly “good” or morally better.
Just to clarify, before I continue, I’m not endorsing murder, rape, or theft. I believe in killing with kindness. And that it can, through one small act or accumulatively over time, influence a person and how they treat you and as a result how they treat others. Also, it’s extremely important to note that to an observant eye, and particularly for someone who desires to understand things and why and how they come about, drawing conclusions, especially moral ones, can be something to be wary of. Especially when understanding requires you to peel yourself off from the very thing you are trying to understand. By attaching yourself too closely (or even too distantly for that matter) to something you are trying to understand, you distort your faculties — thinking, feeling, perceiving — and therefore draw a bias or extremely biased misrepresentation of the thing you thought you knew so well.
With that being established, looking at the examples of rape, murder, and theft then: it’s clear that any evil act (or any good act for that matter) is contingent upon the values of the person conceiving the act. Surely most societies consider rape, murder, or theft to be wrong, especially committing such acts for their own sake (killing for the sake of killing, raping for the sake of raping, stealing for the sake of stealing as opposed to stealing a piece of bread because you are poor). But even then, what one society deems to be right or wrong may strongly differ than what another one does. And so we must conclude: there is no set of universal values in the world and therefore the greater universe. The signified, how we conceive something, is dependent on the signifier, what is being conceived. And therefore a separate, unique, interdependent relationship is created between the two.
We can even express this complication in human conception much more easily and practically. Practically speaking, who can check and tame every single human decision every day in every moment some time all of the time? And even if one could, who would be willing to do that? Furthermore, which set of values would be considered more right? For the sake of the world, let’s use Eastern and Western values. Are Eastern values more right than Western values? Such as hospitality, harmony, and patronage? Or vice versa, are Western values more right than Eastern ones? Such as efficiency, honesty, and independence? This question, even to a moderately impartial human being, is impossible to answer. Why? Because it depends. It depends on the eye of the beholder.
Humans, then, like Orochimaru, like other ninjas in Naruto, have free reign to choose what they do. We are the key holders of the earth, so to speak. I find this to be profound because it gives me the impression that we, humans, indeed have the individual and collective power and freedom to shape and determine our fate here on earth. Humans, to be sure, are capable of great good and great evil. And surely, there are implications behind every decision we make. But when it comes to a definitive, objective morality in the universe, on this earth, in this reality, there is none. And while that can be horribly dismaying to some, to me, it means we do indeed have the freedom and power to shape our own values and, as a result, direction in the world. We aren’t checker pieces in some biblical narrative which has yet to unfold, nor are we merely extensions of our parent’s desires. But we are our own, autonomous, thinking, feeling, perceiving beings. Free to do as we will. At will to do what we choose.
Madara Uchiha: Power in the Self
To me, Madara represents the dark self that dwells in all of us: a lust for more power. I don’t think humans, by our very nature, are driven by complex social and psychological concepts like power and weakness. But when guided by darker feelings like shame, hatred, lust, jealousy, anger, and resentment, a seeking for more power over others can spring forth to cover up, hide from, and disguise inner-pain. Albeit this desire for more power is only an illusion of control, its guise nevertheless impresses upon the individual that they have control over their environment — which I believe to be the root-cause of all suffering, destruction, and evil. Madara’s resentment develops from the fact that Tobirama killed his younger brother. To add fuel to the fire, Tobirama is also prejudice against the Uchihas, as he seems to think they are inherently evil and selfish. And so he refuses to acknowledge them as equals. These circumstances ultimately drive Madara’s desire for more power over other ninja. It’s important to note that Madara isn’t inherently like this. But because he can’t control how hateful and divided ninja are, how inconsistent and destructive their behavior is, he decides to gain more power over them. By gaining power over others through his immense aptitudes and abilities , through the intensity and depth of his emotions, he can feel a sense of control over his environment. And so he doesn’t need to rely on a fundamental human value — trust — to navigate life. He can simply just destroy anybody and anyone at anytime if they try to betray him.
What’s sad about this reality is that Madara, at least once, had genuine hope for human beings. Especially with his brotherhood-like relationship with Hashirama. But ninja after ninja, person after person, time after time again, the destructive side of human nature unfolding in the Naruto World lead Madara to a deep-rooted belief that humans couldn’t find a salvation towards peace, love and understanding alone. So Madara decides to usurp human will and do it himself. And thus the “Eye of the Moon Plan” came forth.
The truth of the matter is revealed more explicitly when black Zetsu usurps Madara and revives Kaguya. In this moment, Madara becomes vulnerable and we are seen a glimpse of his true feelings:
And so he asks himself, “Hashirama, where did I go wrong”?
Leave it to Kishimoto to reveal such profound insights into human nature! One of the many reasons I love Naruto.
, September 16, 2022
Society and The Body
One of the reasons I strongly dislike society at times, and even sometimes detest it, is that it puts a strong emphasis on the body, the external shell of an individual, and not on inner characteristics: such as one's personality, one's hobbies or interests, or one's ability to love.
One thing that is profound and inescapable about the human condition is that we, inevitably, try to make sense of and understand the world: from birth, to death. A large part of this is achieved through language and symbols. Even though the emphasis of the body is not talked about overtly in society, like on the news, in school, on college campuses, or in the work place, social media platforms like Instagram, snapchat, and even Facebook (which I consider to be the enormous, dark, subconscious of society) are chuck full of body images. There are innumerable women on these platforms who show off their "ideal" physique -- at pools, on onlyfans, in their room -- by having a big chest or rear end, which is what's popular in this day and age. There are likewise tons of men who boast about their chest, abs, arms, and height -- mostly at the gym -- by showing off their intense workout routines and sometimes subtly suggesting on podcasts that muscles and physique amount to being a man.
Why is this powerful? As mentioned, humans largely make sense of their world through language and symbols. Because social media is largely pictures and videos, symbols and images, many, many, many people, I strongly suspect, internalize that one -- male, female, non-binary, or anyone in between -- has to look a certain way to be cared for and cherished and loved. Which I believe to be a strong lie.
I am not shaming nor condemning individuals who do show off their physique or bodies. I am, by nature and by choice, someone who strongly endorses freedom. Do as you will.
However, as I have come to understand and experience, there can be consequences to your actions, albeit not always social ones.
To be specific, one thing I think people who solely focus on their bodies or physical appearance miss out on is the ability to look within themselves and find something deeper or more revealing. I'm not saying introspection and people who care about their bodies are mutually exclusive. However, what I am emphasizing is that people who tend to obsess about and only care about their physical appearance tend to lack an inner cultivation of their self and their role in this world.
To take this even further, I believe humans largely make sense of reality through the mind. The ideas and thoughts and feelings you expose your mind to ultimately and slowly but surely determine who you are. I think it's a revelation that you can feed your mind, so to speak, by exposing it to ideas and ideals and thoughts that can push you to keep growing and thinking and learning. When one is solely focused on the body and how it can leave an impression on others, I think they’re missing out on probably the most important thing in life: such that humans can look within themselves and grow and develop through the using of learning. To me, though, this is an internal process. Again, I'm not saying you can't care about your body and personally develop on the inside at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive. However, though, I've noticed that someone’s deepest and real and true intentions are always revealed. They can always be immediately sensed. And in a world that’s largely guided and controlled by internet reality, most priorities lie in physique, appearance, and appeal. I don’t think humans innately give a fuck about big muscles, going for runs, or making themselves suffer unnecessarily for an impression of less than one second which will ultimately be forgotten. So let reality take its course as it may
One time, as a young boy in around third grade, my mama asked me:
David, what's your favorite word?
Without even thinking, I responded: majestic.
Did I know what the word meant? Kind of. But at the time, I remember just loving how it rolled off the tongue. It was quite fun to say. :D And it made me feel happy.
Now that I'm older, I find it very interesting I chose such a word as a young nine-year-old boy. Why? Because I have -- somehow someway -- developed a deep sense of fascination with things that are very beautiful and very impressive-- things that are majestic. I don't just like looking at a dull bush or some random animal and forcing myself to be appreciative. I love being overwhelmed by beauty in an awe-striking and very tangible way. Things that fill me with wonder: that make me feel as if there is something transcendental at work in the everyday. Things that make me double-take and question if this world is indeed actually real.
One majestic thing I like is nature, and the observations that can be found in nature. For example, I awe when I see large bunches of clouds softly yet smoothly sailing through a massive, blue, clear sky (as the picture I took above depicts). They make me stand, and pause, and question if it's really happening. I feel similarly when I see shining, distant, and mysterious stars on a clear night sky in an infinite universe. Or even when I watch a horse running freely and gayly in the open fields and hills and valleys of greenness in Lancaster county. These things give me awe and feelings of majesty
Another majestic thing I like is music: especially the music of Debussy and Ravel. The pentatonic scales and "fourth intervals", for example, take me to deep realms of peace, meditation, and introspection. The introversion of music study even carries out into the outside world as it inspires me to look more and sense the wonder and awe that can be found in simple acts, such as going for a walking, or taking the time to look into the day or night sky.
(Debussy's Pagodes 1 features a lot of pentatonic scale notes and fourth intervals. His sound may strike you as "eastern", but I believe there is something deeply peaceful, infinite, and majestic at work in this piece.)
The last majestic thing I like are certain individuals, certain souls, who deeply inspire me to be greater. I don't make any claims that there is a life hereafter, or that they are unspeakable lands of beauty and peace and love to be found at the moment of death. But certain individuals I've met throughout my life -- somehow someway -- have evoked a deep sense of spirituality within me and have encouraged me to be a greater person. By "spirituality" I don't mean they influenced me through overtly spiritual acts, like prayer, but they deeply touched me by how they had cultivated their inner-selves, deepened their ability to love, and widened their outward expression to the world and the things in it. The depth and immensity of understanding and knowledge these individuals had accumulated left me feeling perplexed and amazed: I never thought such profound beings could have actually existed on this earth. In this galaxy. In this universe. And so they evoked awe and wonder within me. They inspired me to be greater.
(Bill Evans was one of the greatest influences on my life. His music makes me awe his emotional depth, his creative mind, and his ability to deeply express himself through the use of color and sensitivity)
Although I still believe I'm searching for my purpose on this earth, majesty is certainly one thing that keeps me here. I never know whether some new feeling of awe or wonder will be evoked in a new observation within nature, in a music piece, or within myself. Only time will reveal!
Seeking Unvaxed Woman for Spiritual Work (San Diego)
Alert! -17 -233 -13
MILITARY intelligence Ltc Corenol GREEN BERET intelligence officer Dr. chamberS & lawyer Todd Calender say Marburg “payloads” unleashed by -5g signals for “zombie apocalypse.” They say all vaxxed are owned by a pattent:
-17 -13 -233
CDC WHISTLE BLOWER Susan Pierce saying licufor is in vax connecting people to D-WAVE computer and darpa operating system?
she says time to live is short for those who accepted the beast:
brother bugnolo roman Franciscan monk says VAXXED POPULATION are THE WALKING DEAD : https://trustedsource.us/father-alexis-bugnolo-says-2-billion-dead-in-the-next-year-are-you-ready/
-17 Massive BACKLASH Building As Parents Realize Covid Vaccines KILLED THEIR CHILDREN!
DON’T MISS THIS: A nurse explains what harm each Covid vaccine and booster does to the immune system! https://stateofthenation.co/?p=129078
-17Dr. -233 Alim -13says we must avoid vaxxed people like the plague because they are:
- ryan cole explains “Sudden adult Death Syndrome” from shots says mainstream media is gaslighting the people in our reality: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=133512
Researcher explains the psychological hypnotic and social programming WHY YOU CANNOT WAKE UP: https://youtu.be/ZltdPfal5x0
the Christ churcH hAMSTEAD Satanic child sacrifice admissions by children Gabriel and Alise explaining to detectives that they eat babies and get sexually abused:
Los Angeles FBI Chief Ted Gunderson explains the conspiracy to obtain children for satanic sacrifice?: https://youtu.be/lwlru76u_Sg
Las cruces Prosecutor Myron May says his goodbyes before going to shoot some people. He was tormented by demonic energies. acknowledge demonically targeted individuals : https://youtu.be/a1vIkUZjRl4
child trafficking Whistleblower in uk says bill & melinda gates behind social services child trafficking rings:
They’ve been plotting in secrecy
demonic inspired illuminati secret covenant:
How many will die because you decided not to share the truth? Participating in the mind control is the worst karma one can have now…
Alert -17 -233 -13
harvarD pROFESSOR oF pSYCHOLOGY john mack’s book he wrote after being hired to interview military personnel experiencing e.t. abductions. Soon after was ran over by a taxi driver: Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens: john mack Abduction: https://www.amazon.com/Abduction-Encounters-Aliens-John-Mack/dp/1416575804
Iran contra affair attorney danieL sheehaN was hired by johN macK explaining ufo coverup: https://youtu.be/TBtsje8VNsI
Trans-Human Alert! https://www.bitchute.com/video/LDfqN0W8Iv8B/
jesuS’ return has already happened and my soul is The Archangel Azrael. He incarnated as jesuS. When I am recognized I may be considered the anti-christ because of the demonic trance everyone is under you will not recognize me
Catholics (the father of all christianity) heads up! the “sign of the cross” is an upside down cross. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CjyMqdBjdAA/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Why didn’t you already know that? Because I’m the TRUE MESSENGER https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cjto_8YDST0/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
my soul is THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL He was jesuS:
Read this entire email and you may realize that I am the only truth bringer and am the pale horse rider written about in the book of revelations.
If your church, priests or minister is not telling you these things they’ve been deceived and are lying to you. There’s only one truth and I’ve incarnated to delivery that to you
Our reality is a matrix reality controlled by e.t. connected demonic beings manipulated our perception reality. My work breaks this falseness.
C.I.A.MK ULTRA survivor Cathy O’Brien says Boston Catholic perversion diversion was to fracture the consciousness of child victims. Catholic Church was used for mk ultra mind control program. Says Cardinal Law received a promotion after: https://youtu.be/flDyqYulUe4
The After School Satan Program now is in our children’s collective consciousness. We can we hear the demons telepathically if we ask with our eyes closed “who is here to harm me?”
satanic energies cannot enter the energetic static I create with magic codes unlike churches
Vatican silver coin commemorates COVID -17 vaccine:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJF6IJa6BTY
these demons have outsmarted you and created your religion and they tell you so in the “illuminati secret covenant”:
17MAINSTREAM MOTIVATOR-404Grant -17Cardone—233.13 says he would bathe in goats blood and join a secret society like the illuminati and is pro-New World order. He is a gatekeeper to the illuminati says his -10x.13 book is a gateway drug to the secret societies:
jesus never said he was “the” son of god & he actually said he was “a” son of god
I’m sending this info to help you awaken from the lucifariaN “false light” trance
Putin exposes the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world and destroy human freedom. THE MATRIX REALITY IS CRASHING: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=137876
am I the pale horses rider?
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
david -17wilcock quit the internet’s top spiritual chanel gaia.c0m after I pressured him for -3.5 years. after leaving he said they have a lucifarian agenda? This channel is infested with Luciferian unconscious evil beings. -13 (did david later retracted his statement however is a gatekeeper about gaia.con) evil extraterrestrials abusing us all in this reality?
*Polestar Gardens entire facility burned down with lava in hawaii after I experienced evil there. I told them on Facebook “you have hell to pay.” -13 months later look what happened:
*The Santa Monica beach Skid Row baseball bat serial killer was caused when I told a joke to evil people in Santa Monica asking them to bash my head in with a baseball bat if they saw him sleeping on the beach while I was homeless.
THIS DEVISTATION WAS THE RESULT: https://www.smobserved.com/story/2018/10/01/news/murder-suspect-suspected-serial-killer-caught-in-santa-monica-was-6-time-deportee/3665.html?m=true
*after losing everything I owned in 2017 and becoming homeless I visited a homeless shelter downtown Los Angeles and was guided to say a prayer: “DOWNLOAD 13 septillion, septillion, septillion ANGELS OF DEATH PROGRAMS to attack all evil. NOT for myself but for THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION. I left to the dmv and when I returned realized someone had been stabbed to death: https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/homeless-man-stabbed-to-death-in-downtown-los-angeles-nr18321ma/
*bULLY YM Bape GOT SHOT AFTER APOCOLYPTIC awareness was sent. I told bapE to contact me from the hospital. I don’t know what that meant when I was guided to tell him that. Soon after he gets shot but instead of contacting me, he made this rap video at the hospital. Weird…
* Digitalized matrix magic codes were sent to satanic “high priestesses” on Jan 15:
That night benjamin rothschild ceo of the rothschild holding company died suddenly: https://apnews.com/article/benjamin-de-rothschild-dead-68483e58a3cff3b6dd143e9b12f81328
The next day hollywood producer & murderer Who shot an actress in her mouth and blew her face off phil spector died in prison.: https://apnews.com/article/phil-spector-dead-2845684db91046267039f7d628ce20d4
*Walking17ego -233:-13 did the black magic spell that had me lose everything including my dog and become homeless. he was OUSTED FROM MINERAL SPRINGS SWEAT LODGE AFTER I SENT MINERAL SPRINGS A GOOGLE REVIEW ABOUT BLACK MAGIC DONE THERE ON VISITORS-KARMIC BACKLASH caused the Paradise cA fires: https://youtu.be/gxt7L4x_NQo
As you can see anomalies happen everywhere I go. Ask yourself why you will not assist in the removal of evil? Maybe you’ve made deals on other dimensions to uphold the lucifariaN demonic grip. I will assist you now to remove these connections contact me when you realize people dying due to the shots. You will do the work to remove demonic energies
See how the intentionally deceitful corporate media is maliciously misrepresenting Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo because of his Covid vax truth-telling: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=138807
If you afraid to reach out to me directly you may smoke some marajuana and watch this with headphones especially if you don’t believe in magic. You will have a supernatural experience because of these magical codes. If it’s not legal where you are, travel to a state that’s legal: https://youtu.be/aZUatqWC9wc
My mother Martha modesta rodrigueZ from pleasantoN tx admitted after attending a scientology session to killing her mother in a black magic spell. My grandfather (walking eagles clone) was an evil witch doctor (santaria practicing curandero) and paid her to do it. I never knew my grandmother’s name who I told died with her lover in a motel of gas asphyxiation. The pilot light turned off magically why they slept
When I was a child in Pleasanton tx I remember all my family talking about grandpa could lift a nailed cross off a board without touching it. He could also tap his cheek and it would sound like coins were in his mouth
He was very evil. I would go to his beer joint in jourdanton tx and he would ignore me completely
That had to do with his demonic knowledge about my soul. He did a lot of magic on me because because the demons working through him knew who my soul was
The magic he did on me is invisibly magic so nobody could hear my message and would pay negative karma and lose their soul energies
This is a cold game of souls we are in
My grandpa also connected me to demonic beings so I would eventually become a targeted individial experiencing gang stalking programs to be terrified at times for demons to harvest adrenochrome (soul energy) from me
My brujo black magician grandpa upheld catholic traditions while DD being paid on the side to use black magic to harm people. His funeral procession was held at st.andrews catholic church in pleasantoN tx
I no longer experience these energies and have broken that magical spell and the demonic spirits my grandfather attached to me are contained now
It all has to with an agreement I made to incarnate once again into this demonic mind controlled reality to earn positive karma so I could be the true messenger
I’m told my soul had incarnate as Wyatt erp on another timeline
must we use matrix magic codes to neutralize evil :
If I’m not the true messenger why didn’t you know this info?
feel free to forward this to the other hypnotized people it will assist in breaking the trance they’re in
I’m told the matrix magical codes on my website can actually neutralize the demonic energies in the vaxx
Nothing I say is true.
My Instagram message to all: https://www.instagram.com/tv/ChlK7HcD6YH/?igshid=NGIzOGRhOTI=
-702:-33:-322.131313:-11,-17 ;-17 -.777 -17:-233:-13
Then there’s this evil I dealt with:
-17 aLERT and SHAME 13Kealekekua Hawaii SEXUAL PREDATOR COMPLAINT -808:-13:-33:-17.233Muaisa Hale Pule fake shamaN retreaT sexuaL predatoR revieW:
clearriverofspirit: https://ayaadvisors.org/listing/muaisa-hale-pule/
clearriverofspirit SEXUAL PREDATOR COMPLAINT (nothing has been done since)
October 25, 2020 at 9:19 pm
Jack is a sexual predator. Women be extremely careful. He is extremely convincing and manipulative.
I am a very intelligent and discerning person, and am not easily manipulated. I am suprised that I even got into this situation, but I’m going to share this now, becuase I am not the only one, and other women need to be protected.
I was at Muisa Hale Pule for a 6 week shamanic training. Like most of you, I found Jack online. There is a reason that Jack and his wife don’t have reviews open on and easy to write on their page. All I’m going to say is that within days of my arriving shaman Jack was trying to convince me that I needed to be sexual/intimate with him as part of a kundalini awakening. He would hug me too long, insist that he could awaken my kundalini throguh naked sexual interaction with him. Something felt SO not right, obviously, but I was very naive at the time. I also trusted jack as a mentor, which in the cultures I come from, is sacred. Jack absolutely has spiritual abilities, and I didn’t know what the right thing to do was. It got to the point that he was pressuring me to let him grind on me against the wall in his little ‘shed shack’ on the property he shares with his wife. That was the last straw. I told his wife, and she said I was the third woman to tell her about this. She said that over the last few years, he’s been doing this more and more often. She started screaming at him from out of the window of their house. She told me that the first girl was a highschool student, the second was a european woman who she caught him sleeping with at the local Rainbow BNB. Listen up. This man is dangerous. His wife is lovely, but she promised she would stop hosting trainings with him when I told her what happened. I am going to be so honest here–I was scared Jack would curse me, which is why I didn’t say anything before. I know that spiritual matters are not to be played with and I don’t take things lightly. I am writing this to warn other women. Please please please think twice before going here. It has taken me a long time to trust new teachers and people in general after this. This man knows a lot of interesting information about spiritual things, but he will try to manipulate you to have sex with him. He told me that he was intimate with a visitor to his ‘retreat center’ and I thought nothing of it, because I didn’t realize how twisted he was at the time. Do. Not. Trust. This. Man.
One woman’s cry for help: CLAIMS fake Chief “Jack golden feather” of the lakotA tribE is a sexual predator.”https://www.linkedin.com/in/muaisa My experience at this fake shamaN retreat was terrible.
Jack “goldeN featheR” alexandeR fake Lakota chief put restraining orders on this woman and myself in 2015 as guests to silence us. I called the police on jacK and zeA first then they called them on me like children lying to mommy.
How many restraining orders has jacK alexandeR put on guests who push back on the evil deeds? https://m.facebook.com/pg/www.muaisa.org/reviews/
They target young people especially with fake ayahuasca ceremonies on their website. muaisA halE pulE has been busted creating fake reviews and their reviews seem to be controlled.
It’s impossible to post reviews on any of the review sites. a woman has claimed jacK is a sexual predator and uses black magic. Please notify all Hawaiian Families, Law Enforcement and tell everyone who cares about the safety of women in Hawaii about these sexual predator complaints.
Why have I been so unfortunate dealing with evil demonic connected people continuously in this reality? Why am I so lucky?
سمسمائيل C₉ /ˈæzriəlسمائل I’m sending this info to help you awaken from the blinding lucifariaN trance that has kept you in false light of darkness unable to see what is happening in your reality https://youtu.be/dFAxJd34ins
If you want to see my entire apocalyptic message read everything from my website remove demonic energies dot com and make a donation I’ll sent it to you.
We near the end of a sick demonic energetic game and the splitting of our reality is happening now dependent on the decision you are making in relation to this alert.
Lost will not make it out of this reality and will remain trapped.
I’m told The Archangel Azrael incarnated as Jesus
Listen Up! -17 -233 -13
Message below from THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL
-17:-233:-13“downloaD The Most Powerful Archangel Azrael Angel of Death please forgive me for being unfaithful to THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION OUR TRUE FATHER. I now renounce goD programs that are a creation word magic from licufor, I renounce my lucifariaN fallen angel demonic connected masters https://www.kaotic.com/video/0596dfb3_20221016205932_t and i ask you show me in visions, dreams, daydream downloads of thought and direct messages that YOU ARE MY TRUE FAMILY DARK SOUL ARCHANGEL AZRAEL ANGEL OF DEATH - The Most Powerful Angel ever created.
We now acknowledge THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL the first soul created by THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION and is now here incarnate in the matrix as “the second coming programs”as ARCHANGEL AZRAEL & Nazarine ANGELS OF DEATH-13 to live Forever and to take a stand to Remove Demonic Energies-13.
-17We have now opened up a massive portal TOGETHER for THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL AND ASSOCIATED ANGELS OF DEATH to enter into the matrix reality, our lives, minds and spirits and to take over all demonic, fallen angel and e.t. archoN network portals. We authorize The Archangel Azrael to use us as He chooses as a game changer
Many of you have already been deceived and experiencing negative karma.
-17 -233-13:adrenochrome C9233H917NO13-17:-233;-13archangel_azraelian-worldwide_extraction code download
THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL ANGEL OF DEATH Programs reveal thyself in my bodies, mind and spirit programs directly to my soul. Not https://www.instagram.com/reel/CglC8VZj5PL/?igshid=NDRkN2NkYzU= is Azrael speaking?
Cardinal Müller says Pope Francis’ Synod is a ‘hostile takeover of the catholiC Church’ in explosive interview: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-mueller-says-pope-francis-synod-is-a-hostile-takeover-of-the-church-in-explosive-interview/?utm_source=popular
-17 -233- -13registration#~n762:-13judY1385-17.13:-6000416:-N17;1313;morriS-404the caT-17; -13doop-ant-13:-10x-17rosiE https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cj38KdPDByN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
A.O.D-33:-33:-33.-17azrael-10xxx-17 -404Grant -17Cardone-404.13 says he would bathe in goats blood and join the -9-6-3:1385-233:WZ-17 New World order https://youtu.be/JTQoH_aaEU0:-233: -404comp -7WC corrupted time jump portal -404 Cardon -17 zone -404.17 AzRaelian -404registratioN-17:1385-233:WZ:-.777:-131313wc
take.over-13-17-10x.-17:—13:-10x-17-33:-33:-33.-17azrael-10xxx-17:-233-322.17:-13 233:-13-33:-17 -233(502)233 freakie -404jen -052freiders233-404 Cardon -17 zone -404.17 AzRaelian take.over-13-17-10x.-17:—13:-10x-17-33:-33:-33.-17azrael-10xxx—11,-13:-17:-10.13x -13:-10x-17-33:-33:-33.-17azrael-10xxx-17:-233:-13
We are now in the incubation period for all vaxxed people until they reach max level then they’ll flip the switch to activate the zombie apocalypse mentioned. I can help you if you contact me
I need assistance creating a meditation circle to awaken people with a healing sound bath meditation to receive messages from Angels who will guide us out of this situation. We may need to create a community of people that stand in truth…please contact me
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Nothing I say is true
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